Insight - Trackside by 057 Testimonial – Brandon in Gridlife

By: Admin

It is spring 2023 the flowers are blooming and we are back at the racetrack. As many of you know, we’re currently in the live beta phase of our new app: Trackside by 057. We’ve been excited by the results and these are generally best heard directly. Recently we did a trial run with a client and this is what he had to say:

Having completed a full season of Gridlife in 2022, I spent the winter sharpening skills and updating equipment for the 2023 Gridlife season.  My relationship with 057 Motorsports was a significant factor in hitting the 2023 season at full speed which included locking down a win at the Gridlife season opener at Carolina Motorsports Park.

Prior to working with 057 Motorsport my suspension tuning regiment involved educated guesswork. I had years of experience in sport bike suspension set-up, however the transition from two wheels to four introduced many new factors for consideration.  It didn’t take long to recognize that my background in sport bike racing had not prepared me for the complexities of four wheel motorsport suspension tuning.  This is where 057 Motorsport excels.

For 2023 I swapped out my KW set-up for JRZ RS-Pros.  Once installed, I was able to work with 057 on a baseline set-up thru the use of the 057-Trackside app.  It takes a bit of time to populate the required information in the Trackside application, but the results have been well worth the investment in time.  The App provides one location for base set-ups, track specific set-ups, and a session log where you provide turn-by-turn feedback for 057 analysis.  What amazed me about the process is how quickly I was able to up to speed at my first event on a completely new set-up.  With-in 2 to 3 sessions feedback and recommended adjustments from 057 Motorsports transformed the car on track.  057Trackside took the guesswork out of the process and provided a balanced platform that allowed me to focus on going fast.

Brandon Hodge
Gridlife Street GT#89


Making it easy to go fast and have fun is the entire goal of Trackside. If you are interested, register below:
